February 2, 2016



  • Ingest (rvest, readr, readxl)
  • Manipulate (dplyr)
  • Visualize (ggplot2, ggvis)
  • Create packages (devtools, testthat)
  • Simplify programming (purrr, lazyeval)
  • and data packages (ggplot2movies, nycflights13)


dplyr provides a set of tools to assemble, transform, and summarize your data.

Single table verbs

dplyr implements the following verbs useful for data manipulation:

  • select(): focus on a subset of variables
  • filter(): focus on a subset of rows
  • mutate(): add new columns
  • summarise(): reduce each group to a smaller number of summary statistics
  • arrange(): re-order the rows

More information about single table verbs

Multiple table verbs (Joins)

In addition to single table verbs, there are also a set of verbs that operate on two tables at a time: joins and set operations.

  • Joins
    • inner_join(x, y): matching x + y
    • left_join(x, y): all x + matching y
    • semi_join(x, y): all x with match in y
    • anti_join(x, y): all x without match in y
  • Sets
    • intersect(x, y): all rows in both x and y
    • union(x, y): rows in either x or y
    • setdiff(x, y): rows in x, but not y

Why Joins?

Real data is messy.

Example Data Joins

set.seed(12345) #that's amazing, I've got the same combination on my luggage!
x <- data.frame(key= LETTERS[c(1:3, 5)], value1 = sample(1:10, 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
y <- data.frame(key= LETTERS[c(1:4)], value2 = sample(1:10, 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##   key value1
## 1   A      8
## 2   B     10
## 3   C      7
## 4   E      9
##   key value2
## 1   A      5
## 2   B      2
## 3   C      3
## 4   D      4


Rows with matching keys from x and y.
inner_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1 value2
## 1   A      8      5
## 2   B     10      2
## 3   C      7      3


All rows from x and those that match the key in y.
left_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1 value2
## 1   A      8      5
## 2   B     10      2
## 3   C      7      3
## 4   E      9     NA


All rows from y and those that match the key in x.
right_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1 value2
## 1   A      8      5
## 2   B     10      2
## 3   C      7      3
## 4   D     NA      4


All rows from x and y.
full_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1 value2
## 1   A      8      5
## 2   B     10      2
## 3   C      7      3
## 4   E      9     NA
## 5   D     NA      4

Duplicate keys

When you match keys on non-unique rows you get all possible combinations out. Be careful.

Filtering Joins

Semi and Anti joins don't actually join two datasets together. They filter one dataset based upon what's in another. This is useful when:

  • you want to filter your dataset based upon another (semi)
  • or want to understand what isn't in both datasets (anti)


All rows from x that have a key match in y.
semi_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1
## 1   A      8
## 2   B     10
## 3   C      7


All rows from x that have no key match in y.
anti_join(x, y, by = "key")
##   key value1
## 1   E      9

Want everything that doesn't match?

Combine join statements.

full_join(anti_join(x,y, by = "key"), anti_join(y,x, by = "key"), by= "key")
##   key value1 value2
## 1   E      9     NA
## 2   D     NA      4

Different keys?

Real data is messy. If key1 is "date" and key2 is "Date" things break. So, specify:

set.seed(12345) #that's amazing, I've got the same combination on my luggage!
x <- data.frame(keyX= LETTERS[c(1:3, 5)], value1 = sample(1:10, 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
y <- data.frame(keyY= LETTERS[c(1:4)], value2 = sample(1:10, 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

full_join(x, y)
## Error: No common variables. Please specify `by` param.
full_join(x, y, by=c("keyX" = "keyY"))
##   keyX value1 value2
## 1    A      8      5
## 2    B     10      2
## 3    C      7      3
## 4    E      9     NA
## 5    D     NA      4

Set operations

You have two datasets that should be the same, but you're not sure if they are. How do you easily test that they are the same?

  • Sets
    • intersect(x, y): all rows in both x and y
    • union(x, y): rows in either x or y
    • setdiff(x, y): rows in x, but not y

Set Operations

Set operations are on the entire row, there is no "key".

Example Data Set Ops

df1 <- data_frame(x = LETTERS[1:2], y = c(1L, 1L))
df2 <- data_frame(x = LETTERS[1:2], y = 1:2)

## Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     A     1
## 2     B     1
## Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     A     1
## 2     B     2


Which rows are common in both datasets?

dplyr::intersect(df1, df2)
## Source: local data frame [1 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     A     1


Want all unique rows between both datasets?

dplyr::union(df1, df2)
## Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     B     2
## 2     B     1
## 3     A     1


What's unique to df1?

dplyr::setdiff(df1, df2)
## Source: local data frame [1 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     B     1

What's unique to df2?

dplyr::setdiff(df2, df1)
## Source: local data frame [1 x 2]
##       x     y
##   (chr) (int)
## 1     B     2
