R. Peek
27 Jan 2014
A way to build web applications without having to learn/know JavaScript, HTML, etc.
2 main files required, a few extras to make things fancy:
server.R this is the server file which looks for what the user selects (defined in the ui.R) and performs specified operations on the data
Some extra options:
There are many, but a few that I've found interesting and really well designed:
And plenty more are available…see RStudio's website: (http://www.rstudio.com/shiny/showcase/)
I definitely recommend reading through the RStudio tutorial, it has many useful examples. (http://rstudio.github.io/shiny/tutorial/#)
This is an example using data collected at the Center for Watershed Sciences, I build the app because I often get requests for temperature data for a study site. This provides a great way to both visualize, aggregate, and export data.
One issue I ran into related to the default app size, but it was easy to adjust using:
runApp(appDir= "PATH/PROJECTS/thermohydrographs")
deployApp() # the app I used was too large for the default container...so...
configureApp("thermohydrographs", size=medium)