“The sweetest R-help group this side of the Mississippi.”

Welcome to the Davis R Users’ Group (D-RUG)! We are a community of R-Users at UC Davis who support each other in using R for science and research. Our focus is providing a space for any/all levels to learn from each other.

  • Currently we have weekly work sessions every Thursday from 10am-12pm
  • While we intend to prioritize in-person attendance, there will be a Zoom link in the weekly announcements for people who wish to join remotely
  • Join the group listserv here to get the Zoom link and weekly reminders
  • Please see our online forum/discourse site (Discourse), it’s a friendly place to post R-related questions, or search for ones that have already been asked!

We have no TAs—just mutual support from folks working on/in R and related topics. A group of D-RUG coordinators help organize and schedule work sessions and presentations. We usually have a few presentations each quarter on a wide range of R topics, from methods, best practices, new packages, or simply for folks to get feedback on their projects. Let us know if you’re interested!

Join the (e)Mailing List

Join the group listserv here. The mailing list is an online supplement to our in-person work sessions. It’s our way to post jobs, workshops, etc. If you want to send a message out, let us know!


Meetings are at 360 Shields Library (the Data Lab Space on the third floor of Shields Library, see these directions and map. We will be following all UC Davis protocols, please see Campus Ready for more details.

Please come join us, and check the calendar for potential upcoming presentations and workshops!

D-RUG Coordinators

Our current D-RUG Coordinators are:

  • Wesley Brooks email
  • Tara Pozzi email
  • Elise Hellwig [email][echellwig@ucdavis.edu]

If you are interested in helping out, please let us know, any/all are welcome, and we are all volunteers.

Use the resources on this site

We’ve compiled a list of resources to help you get started using R and find answers to your questions. Our “Getting Started” link has some basic info about installing and learning about R. We maintain a question-and-answer forum at the “Discourse Forum” link, and our “Blog” is a good resource for the topics that we’ve discussed in our meetings.