3 S3 vs S4
The lm
object that we saw in the previous example is an object and it uses the S3 object system. The other built-in object system is called S4, which is used by the mixed-effect modeling package lme4
and the Bioconductor packages (common packages: limma
and DESeq2
and others for genomic analyses).
3.1 S3
S3 is used by the most common R modeling methods like lm()
and glm()
. You access elements of the objects using the dollar-sign, like my_model$coefficients
The S3 object system is very loosey-goosey. This happened because R wasn’t developed with the intention of having an object system, so S3 was pieced together from parts that were already there in the language, but intended for other purposes. Here is how easy it is to create a whole new S3 class and an object of the class, including members and methods:
= list()
my_obj $a = 1:4
my_obj$b = 10:7
# turn my_obj into an object by assigning it a class name
class(my_obj) = "dumb"
# define a plot method for the class
= function( obj ) plot(obj$a, obj$b)
plot.dumb plot(my_obj)
This flexibility is very liberating, but can also cause problems. There is nothing that enforces the expectation that object of class dumb
must have members a
and b
, so you can crash the plot()
= list()
obj2 $message = "No bloody a, b, or c"
# turn my_obj into an object by assigning it a class name
class(obj2) = "dumb"
# define a plot method for the class
= function( obj ) plot(obj$a, obj$b)
plot.dumb plot(obj2)
Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Error in plot.window(...): need finite 'xlim' values
The S4 object system was developed in order to impose some order to the chaos.
##S4 Used by lme4
and Bioconductor. The S4 object system is much more formal than S3 - a class must be fully defined before it can be used, and objects can only be modified through their methods. We aren’t going to create a new S4 class because it is much more complicated that the S3 example. Instead, let’s generate a mixed-effects model using the lmer()
function from the lme4
install.packages( "lme4" )
The downloaded binary packages are in
# estimate the linear, mixed-effects model:
= lmer( body_mass_g ~ species + sex + (1|island), data=penguins ) peng_lme
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
The easiest way to know that peng_lme
is an S4 object is that it is listed as a “Formal class” in the “Environment” pane of RStudio.
The next most visible difference is that you can’t use $
to access the members that are encapsulated by an S4 class. Instead, you use @
or the slot()
# inspect the slot "beta"
@beta peng_lme
[1] 3372.38681 26.92385 1377.85803 667.55515
# the preferred way to do the same:
slot(peng_lme, "beta")
[1] 3372.38681 26.92385 1377.85803 667.55515
# You get an error if you try using $ to access a slot:
$beta peng_lme
Error in peng_lme$beta: $ operator not defined for this S4 class
Another thing you may notice is that you can’t change the structure of an S4 object:
# get an error if you try to conjure a new slot:
@test = 5 peng_lme
Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : 'test' is not a slot in class "lmerMod"